So, with a birthday late November, christmas, new year and then another birthday early January, our house has just been one huge sugar party for here is my latest attempt - my son turning 9 had to ask for one of the hardest cakes I have ever contemplated....him going fishing. So, again the humidity and 35 degrees plus temperature in Brisbane, trying to bake a cake, cover it in fondant and make a figure from gum paste was ahhhhhh challenging!!!! But somehow I managed it, although not very professional looking, after a bit of swearing, lots of cover ups of mistakes and a lot of eyeing off the bin, it is OK.
I made a chocolate mud cake again, this one was more of a mocha cake as it had a dash of expresso in it, I used the following recipe and x all ingrediants by 1.5:
I used 2 x square 22cm pans. Again watch that the top doesn't burn, once crusted place aluminium foil loosely over the top. I also checked about every 25 minutes.
I layered the two cakes with buttercream in the middle and covered the entire cake in buttercream. I then rolled out blue fondant and covered the entire cake.
I bought a packet of cream filled sponge rolls from the supermarket. I placed two of the chocolate one's lengthways together and covered with the buttercream. I then covered it with chocolate marshmallow fondant. I used a knife to make lines like on a log. I then brushed the log with cocoa melted in hot water to darken the colour a little.
Position the log where you want it on the cake. I then made up some icing and added a little yellow food colouring. I placed the icing around the log and around the bottom of the cake ona cake tray. I then sprinkled yellow dyed sugar over the icing to make the sand.
I then molded the person, slowly adding food colouring for the different pieces. I joined the head to the torso using a cut wooden skewer. I used a long pretszel and cotton for the fishing line.
I then made some fish from fondant and stuck them around the sides of the cake. I also dyed some of the left over buttercream and made some seaweed. I also rolled out some yellow marshmallow fondant and used a stamped rolling pin to make some coral
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